
This whole damn room is black and blue with just a touch of white
Reminiscent of my skin post-wasted Friday night
Let’s pretend this room’s the classroom it was ever meant to be
Instead of temporary stage for our insanity
And let’s pretend my bruis-ed skin was learning things from you
Instead of temporary fix for empty-hearted fool

Turn blind-eye to stain-ed ceiling, crack-ed tile of floor
And semi-tune to droning voice you signed-the-fuck up for
Let us pretend enrapture by one-sided conversation
Instead of wand’ring train of thought with absence of relation
And let’s pretend my brain was drawn to you by pure attraction
Instead of careless might-as-well black hole devoid of passion

These concrete walls enclose us with a sad attempt at warmth
Much as my shaking hands will fail to warm your freezing heart
It begs us to accept its harsh white light and time-stuck hour
Just as we’ll close our loveless eyes to temporary ‘our’
Let us pretend a moment ‘fore we crumble to the ground
To never lose and never break, this never-love we’ve found.

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